
Hébergement chiens | 21-10-24
Séjour vérifié
Nermin's family had been a great company for my Beagle for a week when we were out and my dog enjoyed the time so much together with her and her dog. Nermin has been kind enough to share updates and pics of my dog. She loved the stay and is very happy.

Lia, Beagle
Femelle, 4 ans et 6 mois
Femelle, 4 ans et 6 mois
À propos de moi
1 an d'expérience
Cocker Spaniel Mama in Dusseldorf
I grew up with cats and dogs so I love spending time with them. I have a 3-year-old American Cocker Spaniel who is bilingual 🤓so no worries I believe I can cater to your pet babies in their native languages 🤓Me and my husband, we are both dog people 🥰I work from home so taking care of your babies is no problem. I take my baby out twice and because he is a high-energy dog, I always take him to a park. I can reschedule my day in accordance with your baby’s schedule. I am more experienced with youngsters but puppies won’t be a problem. I speak Turkish, English, French and a lil bit of German and Russian. 🤓
Autres compétences
Nermin s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
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Nermin Identifiants
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Cocker américain, Mâle
3 ans et 6 mois
Cocker américain, Mâle
3 ans et 6 mois