
5,0 • 3 avis
Garderie chiens | 11-09-24

Séjour vérifié
Kate is absolutely lovely! Our dog Baer had the best time with Kate and her husband. They really took care of him as if he was their own. It was really nice to receive pictures of how their day was going. Baer can’t wait to go and play and cuddle again.
Baer, Petit Münsterländer
Mâle, 4 ans et 1
Garderie chiens | 28-08-24

Séjour vérifié
Kate and her husband are really friendly people. After the meeting we were sure Pip would have a good time. And so she did! We received some videos during the day. Hopefully Pip can visit again 😀
Pip, Bouledogue français
Femelle, 1 an 1
Garderie chiens | 15-06-24

Séjour vérifié
A last minute request, so we had to quickly get to know each other. We were warmly welcomed and knew right then that Freddie would have a nice day. Kate is very flexible and super sweet to Freddie. Freddie had a very nice day, played a lot in the garden and got all the attention. We recommend kate 100%!
Freddie, Golden Retriever
Mâle, 6 ans et 1

À propos de moi

10 ans d'expérience

I will take care of your dog as if it is my own

I speak English, Hungarian 🇭🇺, Romanian, and I understand a little Polish.

I will give every dog what it needs, all the affection and attention . Playing, walking, running, etc.

I will spend all my free time and I will enjoy every minute of it.

I doesn't matter what breed it is, every dog will be special for me and every dog will get the same treatment as if it was my own dog.

Me and my husband love dogs a lot and love to have them around. We both grew up with dogs so it is not new for us both.

We will send you pictures and short videos of your dog during the visit.

Autres compétences
Peut administrer des médicaments oraux
Expérience avec des chiens difficiles

Disponible Indisponible
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Politique d'annulation:

Kate s'occupe de

  • Petit (0-10 kg)
  • Moyen (11-25 kg)
  • Grand (26-45 kg)
  • Géant (> 45 kg)
  • Chats
Autres préférences
Garde les chiots (moins de 12 mois)
Garde les chiens adultes (1-8 ans)
Garde les chiens seniors (8+ ans)
Accepte les mâles non castrés
Accepte les femelles non stérilisées
Accepte les femelles en chaleur
Races avec lesquelles le gardien Kate a de l'expérience:
Bulldog américain · Bouledogue français · Golden Retriever · Petit Münsterländer · Race croisée · Bichon maltais · Schnauzer · Shih Tzu

Kate Identifiants

Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine

Espace extérieur clôturé
Fumeur à domicile
Pas d'enfants
Pas de chats
Pas d'animaux en cage
A 1 chien
Dean & Lucky
Shih Tzu, Mâle
0 an 3 mois

Quand votre chien séjourne chez le gardien Kate

Animaux autorisés sur les meubles
Animaux autorisés sur le lit
N'accepte qu'un seul client à la fois
Pauses pipi toutes les 4-8 heures


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