
Hébergement chiens | 01-10-23
Séjour vérifié
snickers had a great time at Dilara! very warm
welcome and all attention to Snickers, and very flexible in pickup times! friendly warm family

Snickers, Beagle
Mâle, 12 ans et 7 mois
Mâle, 12 ans et 7 mois

Promenade chien | 27-07-23
Séjour vérifié
Dilara erg vriendelijk. Yuki heerlijk gespeeld met een andere hond hij was voldaan.

Yuki, Chihuahua
Mâle, 3 ans et 1
Mâle, 3 ans et 1

Garderie chiens | 28-06-23
Séjour vérifié
Boris heeft het prima gehad bij Dilara!

Boris, Labrador Retriever
Mâle, 2 ans et 1
Mâle, 2 ans et 1
À propos de moi
2 ans d'expérience
Dilara in Utrecht
Hello, I'm Dilara. I'm 32 years old and I have a six years old son.
I'm living in a house with a garden. There are two separate parks very close to my house, and apart from that, there are many areas where we can walk around together. I'm sure my little friend who will stay with me will be happy.
I love dogs and cats. And also I love spending time with them. We have a happy environment for our little friends. It will be a pleasure for us to spend the day with. So I look forward to meeting you. 🧡
I'm living in a house with a garden. There are two separate parks very close to my house, and apart from that, there are many areas where we can walk around together. I'm sure my little friend who will stay with me will be happy.
I love dogs and cats. And also I love spending time with them. We have a happy environment for our little friends. It will be a pleasure for us to spend the day with. So I look forward to meeting you. 🧡
Autres compétences
DİLARA s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Cocker américain · Berger australien · Beagle · Bichon frisé · Border Collie · Chihuahua · Cocker Spaniel · Cocker anglais · Stabyhoun · Race croisée · Miniatuur · Labrador Retriever · Markiesje · Shiba Inu · Husky de Sibérie
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