
Hébergement chiens | 03-12-22
Séjour vérifié
awesome pawexperience

Bommel, Caniche
Mâle, 4 ans et 11 mois
Mâle, 4 ans et 11 mois

Hébergement chiens | 03-08-22
Séjour vérifié
Onze Pip heeft het prima gehad bij Aileen. Ze was heel relaxed, en liep vrolijk rond. Volgende keer weer! 👍🏼

Pippa, Norfolk Terrier
Femelle, 7 ans et 5 mois
Femelle, 7 ans et 5 mois

Garderie chiens | 15-06-22
Séjour vérifié
Toby heeft het goed naar zijn zin gehad Aileen maakte filmpjes van Toby zo kon ik zien dat t goed ging het heeft mij gerustgesteld zeker voor herhaling vatbaar Aileen is een topper

Toby, Fox Terrier
Mâle, 4 ans et 0 mois
Mâle, 4 ans et 0 mois
À propos de moi
3 ans d'expérience
The coolest aunt your animals could wish for
I have done petsitting with at least 10 different breeds with different sizes and age! I can only allow doggyboarding for maximum 2 nights because I am living with housemates.
I have always loved animals and would love to take care of one when I live in an home that allows pets. Thankfully my friends gave me many opportunities to pet-sit their friends whenever they're away for more than a day! I have happily helped petsitting my friends' pets like cats, dogs and bunnies. I have recently learned how to give (oral) medicine to bunnies! Normally I wouldn't allow dogs on our couch but if you bring their blanket so I can cover part of our couch then they can be on it.
My Dutch is not super fluent but I can manage to speak well enough to hold a conversation.
I would love to meet to your beloved furry friend/family member and get to know them by being their company or going out for a walk!
I have always loved animals and would love to take care of one when I live in an home that allows pets. Thankfully my friends gave me many opportunities to pet-sit their friends whenever they're away for more than a day! I have happily helped petsitting my friends' pets like cats, dogs and bunnies. I have recently learned how to give (oral) medicine to bunnies! Normally I wouldn't allow dogs on our couch but if you bring their blanket so I can cover part of our couch then they can be on it.
My Dutch is not super fluent but I can manage to speak well enough to hold a conversation.
I would love to meet to your beloved furry friend/family member and get to know them by being their company or going out for a walk!
Aileen s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Race croisée · Cocker américain · Chien esquimau américain · Schnauzer nain · Bulldog anglais · Fox Terrier · Grand Goldendoodle · Berger hollandais · Norfolk Terrier · Caniche · Shih Tzu · Caniche toy · Européen
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