
Hébergement chiens | 21-04-24
Séjour vérifié
Net als de vorige keren voelde Bella zich helemaal op haar gemak bij Cahit, ik laat haar met een gerust hart bij hem achter.

Bella, Race croisée
Femelle, 13 ans et 9 mois
Femelle, 13 ans et 9 mois

Hébergement chiens | 13-04-24
Séjour vérifié
Pippin loves Cahit and enjoys staying with him.

Pippin, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Mâle, 9 ans et 5 mois
Mâle, 9 ans et 5 mois

Hébergement chiens | 11-03-24
Séjour vérifié
My dog really enjoyed his stay with Cahit!

Pippin, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Mâle, 9 ans et 5 mois
Mâle, 9 ans et 5 mois
À propos de moi
7 ans d'expérience
Friend Your Child in Maastricht
Becoming a pet sitter is very important to me in my life. I have a great passion and love for pets. Taking care of them and doing everything I can for their happiness and well-being makes me happy. Pet sitting is a very flexible job. I can set my own schedule, work at the hours I want, and choose which pets I want to work with. This flexibility gives me a sense of freedom and motivates me to do my job even better. Building close relationships with pet owners is also important to me. I do my best to provide their pets with loving and caring service. This allows me to develop a long-term relationship with the owners. Working with pets is a fun and satisfying job for me. My love for animals and the appreciation I receive from their owners is the biggest source of motivation for me. I had a car and dog . But they stayed in Turkey . I lived in house with two dogs and two cats for 3 months . I can get along well with them . Please only vaccinated animals .
Autres compétences
Cahit s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Akbash · Malamute de l'Alaska · Bulldog américain · Cocker américain · Dogue argentin · Berger australien · Terrier australien · Barbet · Berger belge · Bichon bolonais · Boxer · Cavalier King Charles Spaniel · Dobermann · Dogue allemand · Grand Goldendoodle · Petit Goldendoodle · Golden Retriever · Jack Russell Terrier · Race croisée · Pitbull Terrier · Rottweiler · Welsh Corgi Cardigan
Cahit Identifiants
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Race croisée, Femelle
3 ans et 4 mois
Race croisée, Femelle
3 ans et 4 mois

American Wirehair, Femelle
0 an 6 mois
American Wirehair, Femelle
0 an 6 mois