
5,0 • 2 avis
Ana Luisa
Hébergement chiens | 27-11-24

Séjour vérifié
Saule took care of Ron for 5 days while we were abroad and he had a great time!! He felt right at home, and we could enjoy our time away knowing he was in great hands! Thank you Saule!! We will definitely be back!!
Ronald, Race croisée
Mâle, 2 ans et 5 mois
Ana Luisa
Garderie chiens | 11-11-24

Séjour vérifié
Saule was great with our dog! He usually has a hard time staying with other people, but Saule was super caring and Ron had a great time!! 5 paws!!
Ronald, Race croisée
Mâle, 2 ans et 5 mois

Réponse du gardien Saule

It was a pleasure to be with Ron! Thabk you so much! :)

À propos de moi

12 ans d'expérience

Animal lover

Since the day I was born I was surrounded by all kinds of animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, horses…) All of my family members are big animal lovers, therefore I grew up also like one :) In Lithuania I had two amazing dogs, 3 cats, a lizard and 2 horses, but after I came to the Netherlands for my studies, I really started missing the interaction with those increadibly friendly and amazing beings. That is why I am looking to “babysit” dogs (or cats) here - simply to experience the same joy I was experiencing back home, while also helping out other people that don’t have as much time to give to their beloved little friends :) Both, dogs and cats, that we had were from the streets or shelters, so I have a lot of expierience with getting through to them, making them trust us and be comfortable again. All aninals are really unique, so I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of those that will be trusted for me to take care of :)

Autres compétences
Peut administrer des médicaments oraux
Expérience avec des chiens difficiles

Disponible Indisponible
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Politique d'annulation:

Saule s'occupe de

  • Petit (0-10 kg)
  • Moyen (11-25 kg)
  • Grand (26-45 kg)
  • Géant (> 45 kg)
  • Chats
Autres préférences
Garde les chiots (moins de 12 mois)
Garde les chiens adultes (1-8 ans)
Garde les chiens seniors (8+ ans)
Accepte les mâles non castrés
Accepte les femelles non stérilisées
Accepte les femelles en chaleur
Races avec lesquelles le gardien Saule a de l'expérience:
Race croisée · Rhodesian Ridgeback

Saule Identifiants

Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine

Pas d'espace extérieur
Maison non-fumeur
Pas d'enfants
Pas de chats
Pas d'animaux en cage
Pas de chiens

Quand votre chien séjourne chez le gardien Saule

Animaux autorisés sur les meubles
Animaux autorisés sur le lit
N'accepte qu'un seul client à la fois
Pauses pipi toutes les 2-4 heures


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