
5,0 • 11 avis
Hébergement chiens | 19-11-23

Séjour vérifié
The best!
Frenkie, Medium
Mâle, 2 ans et 0 mois

Réponse du gardien Eva

Thank you!! Hope to see Frenkie soon again 🥰

Garderie chiens | 01-11-23

Séjour vérifié
RICO , Race croisée
Mâle, 9 ans et 9 mois
Hébergement chiens | 24-10-23

Séjour vérifié
Eva's just awesome with pets! Our 9-month old mini poodle, Bob, is usually shy and anxious around new people, but that went really well. Her caring and chill vibe put him at ease! Super grateful for how she looked after Bob. We'll definitely be calling her up again.
Bob, Caniche nain
Mâle, 2 ans et 2 mois

À propos de moi

2 ans d'expérience

Your go-to person for your pet in Diemen Zuid 🥰

Hey, I am Eva.
I am a graphic designer and I work from home. I loved taking care of my friends pets, that’s why I decided to try this app.

I have realised that having a pet to take care of is also benefitial for me and allows me to have some breaks from work, which can be more flexible than average, so your pet can enjoy going out often!

I am vegan and I love animals, so will do my best to make your pet feel like home in your absence!


Please read below for more info:

- If your dog is a puppy and is not trained I will charge a bit more, since it would be more time-consuming for me. Taking care of your beloved is a responsability I take very seriously, but I have my main work and cannot watch them as much as I would like to, specially if they are constantly making trouble at home, thank you for understanding :)

- I always ask about how is the dog behaviour at home and outside; how he behaves with other people, kids and other dogs; how is the walk outside, about pulling and responding to commands…Basically I want to have an overview of what to expect and If I am really suitable for your little one.

- When dog boarding mainly, please bring everything necessary for your dog’s stay like food, treats, bed, toys, hair care, brushes..so your doggy can feel like home since day one.

- I always suggest meeting before you drop your dog with me, so he/she can get used to the place and me and my boyfriend and it is not new all at once, let me know and we can schedule a day to meet.

- In addition to the above, please keep in mind that I don’t take dogs without a prior meeting.

If you have more questions, please don’t heasitate to drop me a message!

Hope to meet your furry friend/daughter/son soon 🐶

Disponible Indisponible
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Politique d'annulation:

Eva s'occupe de

  • Petit (0-10 kg)
  • Moyen (11-25 kg)
  • Grand (26-45 kg)
  • Géant (> 45 kg)
  • Chats
Autres préférences
Garde les chiots (moins de 12 mois)
Garde les chiens adultes (1-8 ans)
Garde les chiens seniors (8+ ans)
Accepte les mâles non castrés
Accepte les femelles non stérilisées
Pas de femelles en chaleur
Races avec lesquelles le gardien Eva a de l'expérience:
Beagle · Caniche nain · Golden Retriever · Race croisée · Medium · Schnauzer
Races que le gardien Eva ne garde pas:
American Staffordshire Terrier · Bulldog américain · Chien de berger d'Anatolie · Dogue argentin · Bandog · Boerboel · Bull Terrier · Bullmastiff · Cane Corso · Dogue des Canaries · Fila Brasileiro · Berger du Caucase · Rottweiler · Staffordshire Bull Terrier · Tosa · Berger de Russie méridionale

Eva Identifiants

Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Clients réguliers: 4
Délai de réponse: dans quelques heures
Taux de réponse: 99%

Pas d'espace extérieur
Maison non-fumeur
Pas d'enfants
Pas de chats
Pas d'animaux en cage
Pas de chiens

Quand votre chien séjourne chez le gardien Eva

Chiens non autorisés sur les meubles
Animaux non autorisés sur le lit
N'accepte qu'un seul client à la fois
Pauses pipi toutes les 2-4 heures


Toutes les réservations via Petbnb incluent une assurance premium, une assistance 24/7 et notre garantie de réservation. En savoir plus