
Hébergement chiens | 26-01-25
Séjour vérifié
Tommy had a great time with Haley! She has access to a fenced-off dog park that she took him to on his walks, he had alot of fun!

Tommy, Race croisée
Mâle, 2 ans et 10 mois
Mâle, 2 ans et 10 mois

Garderie chiens | 06-08-23
Séjour vérifié
Super happy with Haley, really responsible. 💯
Tofu got walked multiple times and had a lot of fun in the dog park close to the apartment.

Tofu, West Highland White Terrier
Mâle, 1 an 6 mois
Mâle, 1 an 6 mois

Garderie chiens | 29-06-23
Séjour vérifié
Haley takes good care of my Goku again!

Goku, Shiba Inu
Mâle, 3 ans et 2 mois
Mâle, 3 ans et 2 mois
À propos de moi
6 ans d'expérience
Pet sitter since 2017, love a wagging tail friend
I am Haley, a local resident in Diemen Zuid. I've been doing housesitting with pets since 2017 and have a lot of experiences with dogs. I have verified reviews from a different website I used in parallel, I can share the reviews upon request since I can't paste the link here.
I love love dogs but not yet ready to adopt one yet due to my busy schedule, but this year I want to start offer my place as a boarding place or a day care for dog over the weekend.
I live in a ground floor apartment, very near a dog park, so I think it would be nice to have a 4-legged friend now and then
I am Haley, a local resident in Diemen Zuid. I've been doing housesitting with pets since 2017 and have a lot of experiences with dogs. I have verified reviews from a different website I used in parallel, I can share the reviews upon request since I can't paste the link here.
I love love dogs but not yet ready to adopt one yet due to my busy schedule, but this year I want to start offer my place as a boarding place or a day care for dog over the weekend.
I live in a ground floor apartment, very near a dog park, so I think it would be nice to have a 4-legged friend now and then
Autres compétences
Haley s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Basenji · Border Collie · Petit Goldendoodle · Golden Retriever · Jack Russell Terrier · Teckel à poil ras · Race croisée · standaard · Labrador Retriever · Teckel à poil long · Teckel standard à poil ras · Shiba Inu · Teckel · Caniche toy · Welsh Corgi Cardigan · Welsh Corgi Pembroke · West Highland White Terrier
Bulldog américain · Bouledogue français
Haley Identifiants
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