
Hébergement chiens | 26-02-24
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Waffle, Bichon maltais
Mâle, 1 an 7 mois
Mâle, 1 an 7 mois

Hébergement chiens | 12-12-23
Séjour vérifié
Carolina took great care of our puppy. Waffle was the first time spending the night out and she made him feel like he was home. We can definitely recommend her!

Waffle, Bichon maltais
Mâle, 1 an 7 mois
Mâle, 1 an 7 mois

Hébergement chiens | 26-09-23
Séjour vérifié
Carolina was great with Wies, got back a very happy dog!

Wies, Race croisée
Femelle, 5 ans et 4 mois
Femelle, 5 ans et 4 mois
À propos de moi
2 ans d'expérience
Love to spend time with your dog walking or playin
Mostly i miss spending time with dogs and i am happy to spend quality and active time with them. I feel most comfortable with small and médium size dogs, and i live close by a park where we can wonder and play. My home is open to dogs and i can even bring dogs to my office space if needed. Had 3 dogs in my life, so have quite some experience. Hit me up if you are curious and i am happy to meet you and to talk more in detail what your needs are and what personality your four-legged friend has!
Carolina s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Race croisée · Bichon maltais · Medium · Fox Terrier
Carolina Identifiants
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