
Hébergement chiens | 01-01-25
Séjour vérifié

Nixie, Bichon frisé
Femelle, 5 ans et 4 mois
Femelle, 5 ans et 4 mois

Garderie chiens | 12-10-24
Séjour vérifié

Loeff, Jack Russell Terrier
Mâle, 3 ans et 1
Mâle, 3 ans et 1

Hébergement chiens | 23-05-24
Séjour vérifié
Heel tevreden
Mijn hondje zeer goed en liefdevol verzorgd

Benji, Shih Tzu
Mâle, 6 ans et 8 mois
Mâle, 6 ans et 8 mois
À propos de moi
14 ans d'expérience
Jane, Ivo and Bammbamm
I have had my dog since he was a puppy. My girlfriend wants another one, but I'm not sure yet, as we might move intercontinental in a couple of years and the idea of a dog in a plane, sedated, stresses me out. helping others to take of their dog seems like a good combination to help others, while giving her a second dog in the house every now and then.
Because we both are able to be working from home, there will be someone home most days though and for the the days we are not, we try to work half a day from home. once or twice a week, it might be up to 8 hours though, so that should be possible. therefore puppies are not a great fit, even though I would love to have one around.
Normal walkschedule is a short walk in the morning. 30 minutes at lunch to a dog park. 15-60 minutes after work, depending on the weather. and 10 minutes before bed.
Of course the dog gets lots of love and a friend in Bammbamm.
(please note that we do have stairs in our house)
Ik spreek overigens ook Nederlands.
Because we both are able to be working from home, there will be someone home most days though and for the the days we are not, we try to work half a day from home. once or twice a week, it might be up to 8 hours though, so that should be possible. therefore puppies are not a great fit, even though I would love to have one around.
Normal walkschedule is a short walk in the morning. 30 minutes at lunch to a dog park. 15-60 minutes after work, depending on the weather. and 10 minutes before bed.
Of course the dog gets lots of love and a friend in Bammbamm.
(please note that we do have stairs in our house)
Ik spreek overigens ook Nederlands.
Autres compétences
Ivo s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Schnauzer nain · Bouledogue français · Teckel à poil ras · Race croisée · Medium · Shiba Inu · Shih Tzu · Jack Russell Terrier · Bichon frisé
Akita Inu · American Staffordshire Terrier · Bulldog américain · Chien de berger d'Anatolie · Dogue argentin · Bandog · Boerboel · Bull Terrier · Bullmastiff · Cane Corso · Dogue des Canaries · Fila Brasileiro · Berger du Caucase · Rottweiler · Staffordshire Bull Terrier · Tosa · Berger de Russie méridionale
Ivo Identifiants
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Évaluation réussie
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il y a plus d'une semaine
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Race croisée, Mâle
15 ans et 0 mois
Race croisée, Mâle
15 ans et 0 mois