
Hébergement chiens | 23-02-25
Séjour vérifié
Sooo much good living care, really great!!

Bobbie, Stabyhoun
Mâle, 4 ans et 5 mois
Mâle, 4 ans et 5 mois

Hébergement chiens | 20-02-25
Séjour vérifié

Yobi, Basenji
Femelle, 5 ans et 3 mois
Femelle, 5 ans et 3 mois

Hébergement chiens | 18-02-25
Séjour vérifié
Roxana is very caring and sweet with Yobi, they had a great time together

Yobi, Basenji
Femelle, 5 ans et 3 mois
Femelle, 5 ans et 3 mois
À propos de moi
10 ans d'expérience
I really enjoy a dog's company :)
I grew up with a dog and raised him for ten years. Then I had my own dog (flat coated retriever) for seven years.
The most important aspect of pet sitting is: treating the doggo with care, make him/her feel safe and comfortable.
Secondly, basic needs are met: proper amount of food (as much as owner informs), energetic walks in the park, having great conversations :)
And of course some nice extra perks such as:
- Playing with doggo
- Pampering & brushing
- Massaging the paws
- Smooshing those ears
Flexibility during weekdays (need to be in the office three days a week)
Available during most weekends
I grew up with a dog and raised him for ten years. Then I had my own dog (flat coated retriever) for seven years.
The most important aspect of pet sitting is: treating the doggo with care, make him/her feel safe and comfortable.
Secondly, basic needs are met: proper amount of food (as much as owner informs), energetic walks in the park, having great conversations :)
And of course some nice extra perks such as:
- Playing with doggo
- Pampering & brushing
- Massaging the paws
- Smooshing those ears
Flexibility during weekdays (need to be in the office three days a week)
Available during most weekends
Autres compétences
Roxana s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Berger australien · Basenji · Beagle · Bichon frisé · Retriever à poil plat · Stabyhoun · Golden Retriever · Grand Bouvier suisse · Race croisée · standaard · Labrador Retriever · Parson Russell Terrier
Pitbull Terrier
Roxana Identifiants
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