
5,0 • 1 avis
Hébergement chiens | 03-03-25

Séjour vérifié
Superlieve oppas, Kate is in de watten gelegd! Wij hebben haar met een gerust hart achtergelaten bij Bibi.
Kate, Retriever de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Femelle, 7 ans et 4 mois

À propos de moi

4 ans d'expérience

Loving pet sitter ❤️

Hi there! (I speak both Dutch and English, so feel free to talk to me in Dutch if you are a Dutchie!) 
You can call me Bibi (26 years) and I currently live in Amstelveen. I am graduating in Fine Arts and in my free time, I love taking care of dogs! 

I have taken care of small, big, and medium sized dogs, and I loved taking care of all of them!!

I have taken care of a very young (8 weeks old) pup for about two months an I taught her basic commands and potty training.
I have also lived together with a dog who used to stay at a shelter in Greece and she was mistreated by her former owner so it took about two months to earn her trust. After those two months, she loved laying with me in bed, waited patiently in front of my door whenever I was away from home, and she greeted me with the sweetest hugs, smile, and waggling tail whenever I came home.

I frequently take care of my friends their dogs and they both have very different personalities and energy levels, but after one hang out session with their dogs, I could quickly adapt myself and match their ✨ vibes ✨

Though I am only 153 cm and weigh about 42 kg, I can walk with untrained dogs my weight.

I can offer your dog a comfortable and safe place to stay at and loads of play time outside. Though I am quite an introvert, I always make it a priority to socialise the pets that I take care of by letting them play with other dogs from my friends and by hanging out with my friends who absolutely adore dogs as much as I do! 

- You can bring your dog to my place or I could pick her/him/them (max. 2 dogs) up if you live nearby (Amstelveen or Amsterdam). 
- Your fur friend can stay over at my place, and can sleep on the couch and even on my bed (if that is allowed by you). 

ABOUT THE PLACE: I have a newly removated studio in Amstelveen. Right outside of the apartment complex, there is a big grass field for dogs to explore and play and within 10 minutes, there is this very nice little park with a small lake for the dogs to meet other dogs and cool off in the summer! And the best thing about living in Amstelveen is that Amsterdamse Bos is only 10 minutes with the car from my place :)

- FOOD IS NOT INCLUDED. If you are planning on dropping off your dog, please make sure to arrange your dog his/her/or their diet. 

Just with any other dogs I have taken care of over the years, I normally take them on walks 3 times a day for 15 mins and 1 x 5 minutes before sleeping or 5 minutes in the morning + 3 hours straight at the park / beach / city (depending on your dog's age and energy level) + before bedtime walk (5 mins). 

Your pet will receive all the attention in the world <3 

Autres compétences
Peut administrer des médicaments oraux
Expérience avec des chiens difficiles

Disponible Indisponible
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Politique d'annulation:

bibi s'occupe de

  • Petit (0-10 kg)
  • Moyen (11-25 kg)
  • Grand (26-45 kg)
  • Géant (> 45 kg)
  • Chats
Autres préférences
Pas de chiots (moins de 12 mois)
Garde les chiens adultes (1-8 ans)
Garde les chiens seniors (8+ ans)
Accepte les mâles non castrés
Accepte les femelles non stérilisées
Accepte les femelles en chaleur
Races avec lesquelles le gardien bibi a de l'expérience:
American Staffordshire Terrier · Berger australien · Chihuahua · Cocker Spaniel · Bouledogue français · Golden Retriever · Retriever de la Nouvelle-Écosse · Rottweiler · Shiba Inu · Shih Tzu · Chien thaïlandais à crête dorsale · Yorkshire Terrier

bibi Identifiants

Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine

Pas d'espace extérieur
Maison non-fumeur
Pas d'enfants
Pas de chats
Pas d'animaux en cage
Pas de chiens

Quand votre chien séjourne chez le gardien bibi

Animaux autorisés sur les meubles
Animaux autorisés sur le lit
Pauses pipi toutes les 4-8 heures


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