
5,0 • 4 avis
Visites à domicile | 28-11-23

Séjour vérifié
She is very thoughtful and our two girls loved having her.
Amélia, Bengal
Femelle, 5 ans et 8 mois
Aurora, Bengal
Femelle, 3 ans et 1
Hébergement chiens | 21-03-23

Séjour vérifié
Very happy with Vanessa! Alma adores them! She was sick and Vanessa took really good care of her. She send me updates many times per day and during the night and Alma was happy! Reccomend 100%😃
Alma, Race croisée
Femelle, 2 ans et 8 mois
Garderie chiens | 04-06-22

Séjour vérifié
Nazca, Vizsla à poil court
Femelle, 3 ans et 1

À propos de moi

4 ans d'expérience

Full time Pawsitter!

***I do not accept reservations without meet and greet, and also the meet and greet is not a guarantee of the reservation. Reservation are guaranteed after the payment on the website. If you choose me as your Petsitter make a booking as soon as possible after our meeting.***

Hi Pawshakers!
I am Vanessa, 34 years old, I have been working as a pet sitter since 2019. I have been living in Schiedam with my husband Douglas, an apartament on the ground floor, we don’t have stairs in our place, it’s good for old dogs 😀 just 200 metres from Schiedam Centrum Station.
We are expats from Brazil. My husband is a scientist works with rare diseases ,and due to corona virus, he has been working from home since 2020. So, we are together at home most of the time.
I decided become a petsitter because I love animals and I am at home many hours, so I am available during working hours, pettsiting is my full time job and I can give full attention to your dog and cat. ;)
I am looking for a lovely pet/cat company when you are not available. Are you looking for a good dog or cat sitter? just send me a message :) I will love spend my time with he/she/them as a walk, playing or just staying with them. Whatever I can do I will be glad to help. I have an experience with dogs and cats, I took care since I was child.

-DOG WALKING- A walk is like 20/30 minutes except if it’s too much for your dog. * BE AWARE -for requests more than 3km away from my home I charge the transport ticket. At the moment I am only accepting requests for a maximum distance of 5 km from schiedam centrum.

-HOME VISITS FOR CATS (at least 30 min): I will change the water, food, clean the litter box and of course... cuddling and play with them. Any special requirements (as medicine or such), you may inform me in our first meet and I will make sure it's taken care of. THE PRICE IS INCLUDEED MAXIMUM 3 PETS, MORE THAN 3 I will charge an extra fee for each pet.*BE AWARE for requests more than 3km away from my home I charge the transport ticket. At the moment I am only accepting requests for a maximum distance of 5 km from schiedam centrum.

-DOG BOARDING SERVICE ( 24 hours duration): walks (3 times per day: in the morning,in the afternoon, and in the evening before going to bed). They are not going to be alone for more that 3 hrs.
--Pick up and Drop off times fall within 24 hrs time frame. For example, if the drop off is at 10 am, pick up should be at 10 am on the last day. Additional time (Later pick-up)can be booked separately in the form of dog day care.

-Even though we are home most of the time, we like being very organized with our schedules and therefore we really appreciate punctuality for the meet & greet and for picking up and dropping off the dogs. We are available for pick up and drop off between 8am and 7pm. In case you would need to come earlier in the morning or later at night, we might ask you to book another day.

-JUNE-JULY-AUGUST-DECEMBER reservation minimum 7 nights
-Public holidays King's Day, Liberation Day, Easter Pentecost etc.
minimum 3 nights.

-DOG DAY CARE(duration 8-10 hours): walks 3 times per day. They are not going to be alone for more that 1 hr- Drop off between 8-10 am pick up between 5-6pm


Are you interested or do you have questions? just send me a message.
I hope you can choose me as your petsitter.
PS: Unfortunately I don't accept requests for Pitbull, Staffordshire, German shepherd, Husky, Beagle and Rottweiler.

However... anytime can be arranged.

I am looking forward to meet you and your dog/cat.

Have a lovely day!

Vanessa :D

Autres compétences
Peut administrer des médicaments oraux

Disponible Indisponible
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Politique d'annulation:

Vanessa s'occupe de

  • Petit (0-10 kg)
  • Moyen (11-25 kg)
  • Grand (26-45 kg)
  • Géant (> 45 kg)
  • Chats
Autres préférences
Garde les chiots (moins de 12 mois)
Garde les chiens adultes (1-8 ans)
Garde les chiens seniors (8+ ans)
Accepte les mâles non castrés
Accepte les femelles non stérilisées
Pas de femelles en chaleur
Races avec lesquelles le gardien Vanessa a de l'expérience:
Race croisée · Vizsla à poil court · Maine Coon · Bengal
Races que le gardien Vanessa ne garde pas:
Akita Inu · Bulldog américain · American Staffordshire Terrier · Chien de berger d'Anatolie · Dogue argentin · Bandog · Boerboel · Bullmastiff · Bull Terrier · Cane Corso · Dogue des Canaries · Berger du Caucase · Rottweiler · Staffordshire Bull Terrier · Tosa · Berger de Russie méridionale

Vanessa Identifiants

Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Clients réguliers: 2
Délai de réponse: dans l'heure
Taux de réponse: 95%

Espace extérieur clôturé
Maison non-fumeur
Pas d'enfants
Pas de chats
Pas d'animaux en cage
Pas de chiens

Quand votre chien séjourne chez le gardien Vanessa

Chiens non autorisés sur les meubles
Animaux non autorisés sur le lit
N'accepte qu'un seul client à la fois
Pauses pipi toutes les 0-2 heures


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