
Visites à domicile | 28-06-24
Séjour vérifié
Fijn dat ik Luc gevonden heb Via Petbnb
Luc is een vriendelijke, gezellige jongen en gaat heel leuk met onze hond Choco om, Choco staat te kwispelen als hij Luc ziet.

Choco, Race croisée
Mâle, 5 ans et 5 mois
Mâle, 5 ans et 5 mois

Hébergement chiens | 12-02-24
Séjour vérifié
Luc showed a nice personality and was attentive with the needs of my dog.
Communication went well during the stay and my puppy felt very comfortable with him.

Dash, Shiba Inu
Mâle, 1 an 8 mois
Mâle, 1 an 8 mois

Garderie chiens | 07-01-24
Séjour vérifié

Sim, Beagle
Mâle, 3 ans et 1
Mâle, 3 ans et 1
À propos de moi
5 ans d'expérience
Dogsitter in The Hague
Dutch/English/Spanish and a bit of Russian.
Schedule availability:
Mon. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Tuesday. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Wednesday. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Thursday. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Friday 06:00 - 00:00
Weekend all day long.
Hey you,
Got a busy day, with your lovely dog on your mind. Don't know where to leave your precious one or when to get out with her/him? No stress, leave it to me. I will take care of your lovely dog. I will address your needs and preferences. I live nearby sea/dunes/woods. A perfect place to cycle or walk with your dog. I grew up with two Vizsla's and I still love them. I go to parks throwing balls, I went out with my bike to bring the newspaper with my dog in the past. In that case, I know how we can entertain together. If you got any questions/comments or doubts? Let me know and feel free to ask.
See you soon around The Hague:)
Schedule availability:
Mon. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Tuesday. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Wednesday. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Thursday. 06:00 - 07:30 and 17:45 - night
Friday 06:00 - 00:00
Weekend all day long.
Hey you,
Got a busy day, with your lovely dog on your mind. Don't know where to leave your precious one or when to get out with her/him? No stress, leave it to me. I will take care of your lovely dog. I will address your needs and preferences. I live nearby sea/dunes/woods. A perfect place to cycle or walk with your dog. I grew up with two Vizsla's and I still love them. I go to parks throwing balls, I went out with my bike to bring the newspaper with my dog in the past. In that case, I know how we can entertain together. If you got any questions/comments or doubts? Let me know and feel free to ask.
See you soon around The Hague:)
Autres compétences
Luc s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Beagle · Border Collie · Grand Goldendoodle · Jack Russell Terrier · Race croisée · Vieux chien de berger allemand · Podengo portugais · Schapendoes · Shiba Inu · Braque hongrois · Vizsla à poil dur · Vizsla à poil court
Luc Identifiants
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