
Hébergement chiens | 05-03-25
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Yobi, Basenji
Femelle, 5 ans et 3 mois
Femelle, 5 ans et 3 mois

Hébergement chiens | 16-12-24
Séjour vérifié

Helen, Race croisée
Femelle, 9 ans et 2 mois
Femelle, 9 ans et 2 mois

Garderie chiens | 14-10-24
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Derin was very sweet! always quckly answer for my question. My dog had a such a great time with her! Def wanna send him again to her ! thank you

Clooney, Setter irlandais
Mâle, 4 ans et 5 mois
Mâle, 4 ans et 5 mois
À propos de moi
15 ans d'expérience
student missing her dogs
Hey there! I'm an outgoing Turkish college student in desperate need of contact with animals, more specifically, dogs. I've grown up in a house who has always had pets, therefore it's my first time staying away from animals for such a long time. I miss hanging out with my dogs so much, so in order to get my fix, I decided to use this opportunity. I have 2 dogs back home, a golden retriever and an argentinian dogo, both of which are rescued animals, but I don't have any preference for pet size, age, or breed, I love them all! ️
I'm the kind of person to run across the street to pet a dog, and I connect with animals instantly. Since I am obsessed with them, you can be sure that your animal will get a bunch of love and attention while it's with me. I'm energetic, responsible, and careful, so I'll make sure to do everything to make your pet feel safe & have fun.
I’m living with my boyfriend and I don't have a job, my only responsibility is school which takes a lot of time, but I'll make sure to use this oppurtunity to do as many activities with your pet as possible:) I can also oblige to any specific instructions, such as giving medication or any other kind of special care. I'd be forever grateful if you give me this chance to compensate for missing my pets, and thank you in advance!
I'm the kind of person to run across the street to pet a dog, and I connect with animals instantly. Since I am obsessed with them, you can be sure that your animal will get a bunch of love and attention while it's with me. I'm energetic, responsible, and careful, so I'll make sure to do everything to make your pet feel safe & have fun.
I’m living with my boyfriend and I don't have a job, my only responsibility is school which takes a lot of time, but I'll make sure to use this oppurtunity to do as many activities with your pet as possible:) I can also oblige to any specific instructions, such as giving medication or any other kind of special care. I'd be forever grateful if you give me this chance to compensate for missing my pets, and thank you in advance!
Autres compétences
derin s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Airedale Terrier · Bulldog américain · Cocker américain · Beagle · Boxer · Spitz nain · Cocker anglais · Papillon · Bouledogue français · Golden Retriever · King Charles Spaniel · Race croisée · Labrador Retriever · Bichon maltais · Carlin · Autres races · Pékinois · Caniche · Caniche toy · Teckel standard à poil ras · Shih Tzu · Caniche toy · Yorkshire Terrier · Jack Russell Terrier · Dogue argentin · Boerboel · Teckel · Whippet · Setter irlandais · Basenji
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