
Hébergement chiens | 11-05-24
Séjour vérifié
Has no experience with pups before

Pluto , Golden Retriever
Mâle, 1 an 1
Mâle, 1 an 1

Garderie chiens | 08-05-24
Séjour vérifié

Milo, Race croisée
Mâle, 2 ans et 2 mois
Mâle, 2 ans et 2 mois

Garderie chiens | 18-03-24
Séjour vérifié

Gaia, Shih Tzu
Femelle, 1 an 7 mois
Femelle, 1 an 7 mois
À propos de moi
2 ans d'expérience
experienced pet sitter!
Hi! I am Meredith. Below are the information that I have about pet-sitting!
1. I have pet-sitting dog, bird, cat, rabbits before
2. I did part-time in a dog-cafe back when I was in China! Therefore I have experiences dealing with various species of dogs!
3.I am a pet-loving person! I can get along with animals very soon
4.My studio is big enough for pet-sitting!
Approximately 23 m2
5.I am a athletic person and I have habits of working out, therefore I can manage walking dogs no matter big or small figure
6. Currently I will stay in Amsterdam more than 3 years. Therefore, I might be your long-term pet sitter once you chose me! After all It is important for animals to stay with a familiar person!
1. I have pet-sitting dog, bird, cat, rabbits before
2. I did part-time in a dog-cafe back when I was in China! Therefore I have experiences dealing with various species of dogs!
3.I am a pet-loving person! I can get along with animals very soon
4.My studio is big enough for pet-sitting!
Approximately 23 m2
5.I am a athletic person and I have habits of working out, therefore I can manage walking dogs no matter big or small figure
6. Currently I will stay in Amsterdam more than 3 years. Therefore, I might be your long-term pet sitter once you chose me! After all It is important for animals to stay with a familiar person!
Autres compétences
Meredith s'occupe de
Petit (0-10 kg)
Moyen (11-25 kg)
Grand (26-45 kg)
Géant (> 45 kg)
Autres préférences
Chihuahua · Européen · Golden Retriever · Teckel nain à poil ras · Race croisée · Shetland Sheepdog · Shih Tzu
Meredith Identifiants
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