About me

20 years experience

Love and care for pets always

My name is Victoria and I am a passionate animal lover. I am excited to offer my services as a pet caregiver, to help you care for your adorable companions.
Since I was a child, I have had a special connection with animals. I have grown up surrounded by dogs, cats, birds and other animals, which has cultivated in me a deep respect and love for all creatures.
As a pet sitter, my goal is to provide exceptional, loving care for your pets while you are away. Whether you need daily walks, feeding, company or just someone to make sure they are safe and happy, I am here to help.
As a pet caregiver, I offer a dog walking service that is tailored to the individual needs of each dog and the preferences of their owners. My walks can vary in length and frequency between 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on what is best for the dog and what the owners want.
In my experience, the length of a dog home visit can vary depending on the specific needs of the dog and the tasks to be performed during the visit. This may include feeding, walks, coat care, play, and medical care if necessary. In general, a typical visit can last between 40 minutes to 2 hours, but this may vary depending on individual circumstances. I am always open to discussing your dog's needs to ensure the visit meets all of your dog's needs.
When I take the dogs for walks, I make sure to provide them with an enriching experience. Whether we're exploring a park, walking nature trails, or just wandering around the neighborhood, my goal is for dogs to enjoy exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization with other dogs if they choose.
During the walk, I am committed to maintaining the safety and well-being of the dog at all times. This includes being attentive to their behavior, paying attention to the condition of the dog's coat, providing fresh water if necessary, and making sure they are comfortable at all times.
In addition to standard tours, I also offer additional services as needed. This may include feeding, administering medication through food, or even some basic training during the walk.
As part of my service, I maintain open communication with owners. I provide you with regular updates on how the walk is going and any other relevant information about your pet. My goal is to give you peace of mind and reassure you that your dog is in good hands while you are away.
In short, my dog ​​walking service is designed to provide a safe, fun and stimulating experience for dogs, tailored to their individual needs and their owners' preferences.
I'm willing to perform additional tasks like watering plants and collecting mail. My availability for house sitting varies based on the owner's needs and my schedule. My focus is ensuring the home's safety and well-being during the owner's absence. I take specific security measures, such as locking doors and windows, keeping the property clean, and being vigilant for any unusual activity. My goal is to provide peace of mind to the owner knowing their home is in good hands while they're away.
At this moment I am available in the mornings and afternoons from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, I usually study Dutch in the evenings.

Vicky's availability

Available Unavailable
Calendar updated: 1 week ago
Cancellation policy:

Vicky looks after

  • Small (0-10 kg)
  • Medium (11-25 kg)
  • Large (26-45 kg)
  • X-large (> 45 kg)
  • Cats
Additional preferences
Will care for puppies (<12 months)
Will care for adult dogs (1-8 years)
Will care for senior dogs (8+ years)
Breeds Vicky has experience with:
Mixed Breed

Vicky on Petbnb

ID verified
Passed assessment
Calendar updated: 1 week ago


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