About me

8 years experience

True dog lover with good experience

Hi, I’m Zoe ! I’ve moved to Maastricht to pursue my degree in psychology and neuroscience. Having left my home town in the French alpes and countryside, I truly miss spending time outside with my dogs. This is why I would love to continue enjoying time with new furry friends!

I have 2 very energetic Welsh Springer Spaniels at home, I love taking them on long hikes, to the lake and grooming them.
I have lots of experiences with different breeds and animals, and lots of knowledge about training and behavioral characteristics of dogs. Being a horse rider over 10 years now, I can handle big or small dogs with no problem.

I’ve trained my dogs in a discipline called Agility where they do jumps, go through hoops and tunnels and more fun tricks, we have even participated in small competitions :)

I live 3 minutes near Sint-Pieters hill in Maastricht and dog park, making it the best and my favorite place to go for long walks with your dog !

During walks or drop in visits I will keep you informed at all times and sent you pictures of your furry loved ones.

Zoe 's availability

Available Unavailable
Calendar updated: 1 week ago
Cancellation policy:

Zoe looks after

  • Small (0-10 kg)
  • Medium (11-25 kg)
  • Large (26-45 kg)
  • X-large (> 45 kg)
  • Cats
Additional preferences
Will care for puppies (<12 months)
Will care for adult dogs (1-8 years)
Will care for senior dogs (8+ years)
Breeds Zoe has experience with:
Jack Russell Terrier · Labrador Retriever · Border Collie · Boston Terrier · Cocker Spaniel · English Springer Spaniel · Golden Retriever · Welsh Springer Spaniel · Yorkshire Terrier · Cat

Zoe on Petbnb

Passed assessment
Calendar updated: 1 week ago


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