Over mij

5 jaren ervaring

Home away from home for your pup!

I’m excited to extend my trustworthy and loving pet sitting services to you, especially for your beloved dogs. I know that entrusting your beloved furbaby with a stranf=ger can be daunting and scary, but I can assure you that they will be in safe hands in a home where I will love them like my own.

Experience & Availability: My childhood was filled with the joy of caring for dogs, learning their behaviors, and attending to their needs. This has instilled in me a deep knowledge of how to nurture and provide for them. Now, working from home in the Netherlands, I have the flexibility and availability to offer your pets constant companionship and attention throughout the day.

Preferences: I have a special place in my heart for all dogs, but I particularly resonate with those that crave human interaction and affection. Be it playful activities or quiet time together, I am prepared to offer the companionship and care that your dog needs while you are away.

Commitment: Choosing me as your pet sitter means entrusting your dog to someone who views them as more than just a pet, but as a cherished member of the family. With my husband and me, your dog will find a loving and attentive environment, ensuring they are happy, engaged, and well-cared for in your absence. Our home has a spacious garden for your furbabies to enjoy and of course they are welcome to cuddle with us on the couch as well.

Overige vaardigheden
Kan orale medicatie toedienen

Mignon 's beschikbaarheid

Beschikbaar Niet beschikbaar
Kalender bijgewerkt: minder dan een week geleden

Mignon past op

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Middel (11-25 kg)
  • Groot (26-45 kg)
  • Reus (> 45 kg)
  • Katten
Overige voorkeuren
Past op puppies (tot 1 jaar)
Past op volwassen honden (1-8 jaar)
Past op oudere honden (8+ jaar)
Past op mannetjes die niet gecastreerd zijn
Past op niet gesteriliseerde vrouwtjes
Geen loopse vrouwtjes
Rassen waarmee Mignon ervaring heeft:
Beagle · Cavalier king charles spaniel · Foxterrier · Franse bulldog · Jack Russel Terrier · King charles spaniel · Kortharige dwergteckel · Labrador retriever · Maltezer · Staffordshire bull terrier · Yorkshire Terriër
Rassen waar Mignon niet op past:
Akita Inu · Alaska malamute · Amerikaanse Eskimohond · Berner sennenhond · Chow-chow · Old english sheepdog · Pyreneese berghond · Pyreneese herder · Rottweiler · Samojeed · Siberische husky · Sint-bernard

Mignon op Petbnb

Identiteit geverifieerd
Oppas training voltooid
Kalender bijgewerkt: minder dan een week geleden

Mignon 's woning

Tuin met hek
Geen kinderen in huis
Geen katten in huis
Geen kooidieren in huis
Geen eigen hond

Als jouw hond bij Mignon in huis is

Honden mogen op de bank
Honden mogen op bed
Accepteert honden van maximaal 1 gezin tegelijk
Wandelen om de 2-4 uur


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