
Daria is a responsible and diligent pet sitter. She is kind and caring, consistently providing timely responses and updates. Ollie (my dog) is always happy to spend time with Daria! Thank you!
Ka Chun
Voor onze reis zochten wij iemand die op onze katten konden passen voor een maand. Wij hebben toen gekozen voor Daria. Ze is een echte dieren liefhebber, Gucci en Jojo waren op de intake gesprek al gelijk verliefd op haar. Communicatie verliep vlekkeloos en tijdens ons reis stuurde ze vaak leuke foto's en updates. Wij hebben in ieder geval zonder zorgen van onze vakantie kunnen genieten!

Over mij

13 jaren ervaring

Miss taking care of my cat–will gladly meet yours!

I used to live with cats since childhood, and also was cat-sitting for my friends while they were on vacation. Also, I regularly, once a month, dog-sit for my sister. Both by spirit and experience, I am equally into spending time with cats and dogs. Besides that, for 4 years I used to work in art school and IT school for kids from 6 years old, so I also have some experience not babysitting per se, but pedagogical work.
However, at the moment what I really miss, is taking care of cats (as much as they might need human care:D just kidding ).
Will gladly get to know their habits and characters, and make their time away from owners more peaceful. Whether the cat is playful and sociable, or shy and quiet, or grumpy and reserved, I will carefully take in account whatever the owner find important to do. Will take care of a cat, and send pictures of them, in case the owner misses their pet:)
As I am thousands of kilometers away from a cat that I grew up with, I still want to help other pet owners with their pets.
Besides that, i additionally am interested in dogsitting, especially going on walks. I am active and responsible, and will make sure your pet is entertained and content while you are away. I am regularly dogsitting a beagle Oliver for my sister, and it is always a great pleasure.

Daria's beschikbaarheid

Beschikbaar Niet beschikbaar
Kalender bijgewerkt: minder dan een week geleden

Daria past op

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Middel (11-25 kg)
  • Groot (26-45 kg)
  • Reus (> 45 kg)
  • Katten
Overige voorkeuren
Past op puppies (tot 1 jaar)
Past op volwassen honden (1-8 jaar)
Past op oudere honden (8+ jaar)
Rassen waarmee Daria ervaring heeft:
Beagle · Chow-chow · Kruising · Samojeed · Welsh terrier · Poedel · Airedale terrier · Chihuahua · Overige rassen

Daria op Petbnb

Identiteit geverifieerd
Oppas training voltooid
Kalender bijgewerkt: minder dan een week geleden


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